R&R: Relationship and Release

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Are you missing out on this?!

Sunday evenings at TEAM NIGHT, 6:30pm we've been enjoying a really special time of worship in the sanctuary (quiet time in His presence, lights low, me on the keys) and then some titillating discussion and goodies in the fellowship hall...

Here's some highlights from what we've been dissecting recently, Rick's amazing teaching...
5 Purposes of the church: worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism
we have been focusing on discipleship the last few wks

Created to become like Christ
God's Spirit working in you
We must cooperate with the Holy Spirit's work
God uses His Word, People and Circumstance to mold us
Becoming like Christ is a long, slow process of growth

How we Grow
God's part and your part
Changing your autopilot

Transformed by Truth
Abiding in God's Word
I must accept its authority
I must assimilate its truth
I must apply its principles

Transformed by Trouble
God has a purpose behind every problem
Understanding Romans 8:28-29
Building Christlike Character
Responding to problems as Jesus would
Remember that God's plan is good
Rejoice and give thanks
Refuse to give up (don't give up - grow up)

Growing through Temptation
Every temptation is an opportunity to do good
How temptation works: desire - doubt - deception - disobedience
Overcoming temptation
Refuse to be intimidated
Recognize your pattern of temptation and be prepared for it
Request God's help

Defeating Temptation
There is always a way out
Refocus your attention on something else
power of suggestion - self defeating strategy - principle of replacement
Reveal your struggle to a godly friend or support group
Resist the devil
Realize your vulnerability

Wednesday evenings at BOOK CLUB, 7:30pm we've been pushing the limits of what is considered acceptable at church! Nothing is off limits at my book club. Let's challenge status quo, growing in relationship and challenging religion...
(you don't have to be an avid reader to attend, you will be blessed by just showing up)

Here's some highlights from what we've been reading recently, Peter's amazing teaching...
Emotionally Healthy Church
Wrong counsel almost ruined my life
Imbalanced Spirituality
The link between emotional health and spiritual maturity is a large, unexplored area of discipleship

As goes the leaders, So goes the church
workaholics for God?!
a crawl toward crisis
A new set of eyes

Are stories like these of broken relationships and occasional reconciliation the exception? Sadly, they are not
faulty models from home to church
the 'loving' small group that crashed
Identifying the emotional components of spiritual maturity

This week we begin the Biblical Basis for a new paradigm of Discipleship

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