R&R: Relationship and Release

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Monday, June 13, 2011

miss you already

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
— Dr. Seuss

Thank you Cornerstone Fellowship for being such a blessing to me and my family!
Though our stay has been too short, we feel very attached.
We will miss ya'll!
Please keep in touch...don't forget to join us on facebook!

Our final Sunday is approaching rather quickly.
The moving sale and boxes prove it.
(We still need to find a home for our large red sectional?)

I hope we will get a chance to hug and bid every one of you farewell.
The board is kindly having a potluck following our final service June 26.

If you haven't read the details surrounding our move please scroll down several blog posts or here's a link: http://cornerstonefellowshipag.blogspot.com/2011/05/change.html

I came across this great poem this morning:
There Is Another Day

Is there another day unlike today?
Come sit with me, for holy is our seat.
Our friendship and our fellowship are meet,
our hearts' desires more than we may pray,
our conversation more than we may say,
our daily bread more than the bread we eat,
and now, how beautiful will be our feet
when we arise, and part, and go our way.
Is there another day when we may come
together in the presence of our Friend
and worship Him and not be taken from
each other's side? Although our Lord may send
us on our way, so selah. So shalom.
There is another day. It will not end.
~ by Michael Rew

Christians never have to say goodbye! It's always...See Ya Soon!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

extraordinary day

Today Nathaniel, Holly and I had the privilege of attending several parties for some very special people in our church:
Kim Olbricht celebrating his 60th Birthday (he seriously doesn't look a day over 40)!
Darrel and Carol Roberts celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary (they are truly a testimony of real love).
I wish I would have taken a couple pictures today of the Olbrichts and Roberts...

Maybe I'm over-thinking but I keep running into repeated numbers. Today it was 2 celebrations of 60. Last week it was Holly turning 33, I'm already 33 and we're celebrating our 3rd gotcha day with Nathaniel...What does it all mean?! ha ha ha
Well, probably the most extraordinary thing of all is that my son had cake and cupcake at the parties today, and ice cream cake for birthday and gotcha day. Our boy thinks fruit is a treat, so now we need a babysitter to deal with his sugar high... (I'm done with the crazy rambling now.)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Gotcha Day! 3 years ago today, Nathaniel became ours!

Every time I watch this video I am overwhelmed with emotion and love for my specially formed family! Adoption is such a miracle! Remember, we're all adopted into the FAMILY OF GOD! (But, I am also in shock at how much different a person looks by losing 100 lbs!)

Monday, May 30, 2011

royal strangers camp out and

We have hit that magical time of year.
School's out and camps are being filled. (although it would take tornado force to drag my wife camping)
I'm so proud of our many amazing volunteer ministers at Cornerstone.
There's a lot of teens attending NE AG camps.
And Bob testified this Sunday that we're baptizing over 10 teens at the lake this Sunday!
Holly and I stopped in at the royal rangers camp out last weekend to pick up Nathaniel who was hanging with Bob and the boys for a few hours. (we missed a good group shot cause most of the boys were busy fishing)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

if you've ever been hurt by the church

I know in the short time I've been your pastor you have probably noticed that this is one of my callings. I hope to consistently sound the alarm to the church to CHOOSE LOVE and commit to relationship over religion!
I found another amazing resource today I just had to share with you.
I typed up some more info on facebook.
Here's the link:

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Daddy Jesus is there for YOU!

Facebook is such an amazing new ministry tool. Scripture talks about 'praying without ceasing', staying in constant contact with our Savior. My goodness, FB is almost like this kind of praying with each other! I so wish the church truly connected, truly lifted one another up...You can make an enormous difference in the lives of those around you simply by affirming their good qualities and good behavior. Look hard for something to praise, exhort, encourage..."God inhabits the praises of His people!" God shows up when we praise Him AND one another! Put away the critical eye and see how much fun life can be! That's what the church should be all about!

Anyway, I just published some BEAUTIFUL words by Dr. Tim Clinton on facebook this afternoon!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

it doesn't get much better than this

I had the amazing privilege of baptizing the amazing Jesse this morning!
I've always had a soft spot for teenagers (maybe I should have stayed a youth pastor longer), but let me say with all sincerity, Bayard teens are extraordinary! I have never been a part of a church where the teens are trusted to clean the facility! Jesse and his brother do a great job! Auntie Carie told me something the other day that went straight to my heart to store for when I need some encouragement. She told me that when Billy found out we were moving he said, "that sucks with a capital S." (If you are offended by the word suck please substitute: inhales sharply) Jesse asked that I baptize him before we go. I usually encourage parents, mentors (leaders who have very consistent contact with the individual) to do the baptizing. But, I couldn't refuse such a special request...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

dna of relationships

WOW, this series is amazing!
Don't miss it!
Sunday Evenings, 6:30pm
Tonight we're gonna talk about the power of one, taking personal responsibility!
The first week we were one minute laughing so hard our sides hurt and the next being challenged for true growth...
This is not just for married folk either, this stuff will truly help in any and every relationship...

Monday, May 9, 2011

We Need Each Other

THANKS STEVE! AMEN! GLORY! (and every other emotional churchy response)

Many living things need each other to survive. I have lived for most of my life near trees known as Colorado aspens. If you are familiar with this tree, you may have noticed that it does not grow alone. Aspens are found in clusters, or groves. We're told that the reason for this is because aspens can multiply from the roots. They send up lots of new shoots every year. These become saplings that grow quickly and make new baby aspens of their own. In some groves, all of the trees may actually be connected by their roots. It is as if they are one tree.

Another tree, the giant California redwood, may tower 300 feet into the sky. We've seen pictures of tunnels carved into massive trunks wide enough to drive an automobile through. It seems they would require the deepest of roots to anchor them against strong winds. But instead their roots are actually shallow -- they spread out wide in search of surface water. And they reach in all directions, intertwining with roots of other redwoods. Locked together in this way, all the trees support each other in wind and storms.

Aspens and redwoods never stand alone.

They need one another to survive. People, too, are connected by a system of roots. We grow up in families that nurture and guide us. We learn early to make friends who support us in different ways. We are not meant to survive long without others. And like the giant redwoods, we do best when we hold onto one another and help each other to keep standing through life's storms. We need others to hold us up, encourage us and to stand with us.

When I'm not doing well, it is often because I am going it alone. I don't always let others in. I forget to ask for help; I keep my problems to myself. And though I may not see it, others around me might be doing the same thing. It helps to remember how much like those trees we really are.

It might be time to let someone else help hold you up for awhile. Or perhaps someone needs to hang on to you.
By Steve Goodier