For instance, the amazing Sinks family!
You wanna talk about Faithfulness and people who look like JESUS!
I don't think there is one piece of our church that isn't somehow touched by a Sinks!
They are a very special family! I am so thankful for each one!
I wanted to put some of the teaching the Sinks have been leading us thru on my blog.
I hope you're not missing out on this?!
Carie's quite the gifted teacher! On Tuesday Mornings 8:30am she leads a special study time for the prayer group. She's been leading some Joyce Meyer stuff.
And, John (media guru) is doing some Max Lucado stuff at Adult Sunday School, 9am.
Here's some of my highlights from their words (Carie then John)...
Thoughts are Powerful, Battle for Truth
Understand the Enemy and His Strategies
Worry, excessive reasoning and insecurity can be some of the enemy's most effective devices
Tearing Down Strongholds, Breaking Free
Write it down, Journaling can be a wonderful spiritual discipline
Agree with God, Think Responsibly
Power Thought: I CAN do whatever I need to do in life through Christ
Miracles Come in CANS, Yes I can
Controlling your emotions, instead of the other way around
Rock your box, exchange things that are not working
Overcomers Everywhere, Dave Thomas
Throw away your excuse bag, CAN DO bag
Divine Interruptions
James 4:6, Philippians 4:13, Romans 8:37, Hebrews 12:2
Experiencing the Freedom, Joy, Power, Peace, Grace, Love....of JESUS!
Jesus reminds us not to get entangled with the stuff of life - especially when it makes us take our eyes off eternal life.
Earthly rewards and honors - diplomas, bonuses, promotions and the like - fail to compare to the value of Jesus' reward.
Jesus meets our need, it is futile to live in our own strength.
Experiencing Jesus' peace often comes at great price to our idea of security - what we can control. We have to let go of what we know and step out in faith.
God sometimes allows seasons of pain to strengthen your dependence upon Jesus's grace to take you through it.
Every teaching begins with a special prayer, here's one: Dear Jesus, through this week I pray that your love - its depth, its steadfastness, and its cost - will be made evident to me. Help me to understand how I am able to pass your love on to others. Cause me to rest in the assurance that nothing can separate me from your love...