R&R: Relationship and Release

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sunday School

Carie & Keith Sinks have been doing an amazing job leading an adult sunday school class every week, 9am! I am so thankful for these two amazing leaders of our church!
I have been SO BLESSED by the video series Carie has been sharing by Robert Morris on the beattitudes (Matthew 5)...

Here's some of my random notes to get you thinking, mabye even wet your appetite for sunday school:
God is Happy: Where does happiness not come from? Chocolate Cake?
external circumstances versus internal attitude
Where does happiness come from? law versus grace, being versus doing
The Poor in Spirit are Happy: Why does Jesus begin with poor in spirit?
Pride is the only thing that separates us from God.
Joy comes from Knowing Jesus did it all for you!
Those who mourn are Happy: Godly sorrow produces repentance...
Repentance produces JOY!
The beattitudes are paradoxical, opposite (happy are the sad, skinny are the fat)
The Hungry are Happy: Jesus didn't die so you could act better (legalism)
The more preachers preach law the more we sin...justification and sanctification
The Merciful are Happy:
Justice: giving a person what he deserves
Mercy: not giving a person what he deserves
Grace: giving a person what he does not deserve
The Pure are Happy: What are you basing eternity on?
You must be born again...Many people have never been born again...Birth is a radical change...
How can I know if I've been born again? When did you stop going your way and go God's?
The Peacemakers are happy: There is no peace without God...man cannot create it...
Peace is not the absence of conflict but the Presence of Righteousness! (not something, someone) Peacekeepers avoid conflict...Peacemakers resolve conflict...

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