R&R: Relationship and Release

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

What a privilege to pastor a church that truly understands the importance of prayer!

Tonight Keith Sinks, Sr. organized a special time of prayer and brainstorming.
This amazing group of people within our church is truly hungry to see God move!
They have decided to meet on Tuesday eves (7pm) thru the summer to study THE HELPER by Catherine Marshall. Everyone is welcome!
I haven't read it all yet, but the first few chapters I read this evening look fabulous!
This amazing church is truly grabbing ahold of the TEAM concept (together everyone accomplishes more).
I can't even begin to say how much I AM BLESSED by people Not just sitting back and expecting the preacher to do it all...Amazing souls like Keith are walking in the freedom of "everyone is a minister and everyone needs a ministry"...

It really is an amazing privilege to pastor a church that truly understands the necessity of PRAYER!
Pat McMurtry is leading a prayer group every weekday at our church. This faithful ministry is producing fruit! Thursday morning I was surrounded by a group of ladies interceding for their pastor. Pat was given a simple vision of a door closing, which the Holy Spirit used for clear direction for Holly and I in a very important personal matter later that day!
MIRACLES happen when God's people pray!

Thursday evening Nolan B. drove a van load of us men to Mitchell for a men's mtg with other AG churches of the valley. The food, the songs of worship, the prayer, the friendship...OH WHAT A BLESSING!

And this is just some very recent stuff that's happening inside the doors of a church...real Ministry is happening everyday in little ways...maybe it's that church member on a summer vacation who experiences a divine moment...maybe it's a profound parenting moment or just playing in the park with your son...maybe it's a dynamic moment of sharing your faith, with words or without...maybe it's any and every way a kindness is shown in Jesus name...maybe a simple smile...REMEMBER we are the church and church happens every time LOVE shows up!

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